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Look, it depends whether you want to deal with this at the level of humour and satire or whether you want to try and make sense of what are difficult issues.
-Tony Blair, Newsnight, 6-2-03


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Friday, October 03, 2003
JACK YOUR BODY: did anyone else hear jack Straw this morning? So, now it seems, the war wasn't because Saddam had weapons (because he didn't) but because he lied to the UN... when he said he had no weapons. I see.

It's brilliant the best thing they could find was a scientist had a vial of botulism "hidden in his house" - so have we, I'll bet - that jar of brandy butter at the back of the fridge could probably take down a medium-sized wedding party if released into the wild.

Last night's spin was that, although there were no actual weapons, they have found that there were plans to build some - this is a great excuse for a war; saddam flicking through a couple of brochures going "one day, I'd like one of those", like a kid at Christmas going through their mum's Grattan catalogue looking at the Scalextrix.