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Look, it depends whether you want to deal with this at the level of humour and satire or whether you want to try and make sense of what are difficult issues.
-Tony Blair, Newsnight, 6-2-03


related stuff
BBC Iraq coverage
Guardian Unlimited coverage
White House news
In These Times
NY Times Iraq
New Scientist Iraq conflict reports
Stop the War
IndyMedia - UK
Get Your War On
Google News: Latest Iraq stories
Ted Mills blog
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
Guardian Online War Special
Comprehensive listing of anti-war sites
Russian report on intercepted communications

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Tuesday, November 11, 2003
NEW THRILL!: Warticker goes two-way. In future, all posts to the warticker - and to our new-not-quite-created sister blog SomethingOfTheNight - will be automatically delivered to the something of the night email list. So, if yuo subscribe to that, you won't have to worry about checking back here to see if we've got round to posting; it'll come to your mailbox. Plus - and this is the magic part - you can respond to posts there, and respond to the responses, and respond to the... ah, but you get the drift...